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Water Exercise

20 January 2022
Water Areobics

By Susan Hickey

It’s that time of year again – time to get back on track and set those New Year’s resolutions.  Here’s one that might be easy to keep:  start a regular water exercise routine.  Water exercise has many benefits for people at all fitness levels and thanks to the YMCA, pools are accessible to all members. Here are just a few of the benefits:

• Buoyancy.  The flotation effects of water are well documented, particularly the decreased impact on joints. While it is still possible to complete weight-bearing exercise in water (which helps increase bone density), the water provides sufficient resistance in a variety of movement planes that is a great substitute for high-impact training. 

• Weight loss.  Water exercise is a great way to burn calories through aerobic activity.  For those people who are particularly sensitive to pressure on their joints, the water allows them to tolerate exercise for longer periods of time than they would on land, which can accelerate the weight loss process. 

• Improved balance.  The body is required to activate core muscles at an increased level while in the water due to the constant moving water providing forces in multiple directions. 

• Improved heart health.  The aerobic quality of water exercise, be it swimming, aerobics class, or water walking, encourages improved blood pressure and circulation. Additionally, the water pressure below the surface on the lower body makes it easier for blood to return to the heart, thus lowering heart rate during exercise and increasing efficiency. 

• It’s fun.  Let’s face it, who doesn’t enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by warm water? After getting a water workout in, doing a cooldown particularly in a warm therapy pool can help to relax stiff joints and release endorphins, those “feel-good” chemicals in our brains. The best workouts are the ones we will actually do, and the enjoyment level plays a role. 

The Dayton YMCA offers a wide variety of water exercise classes and a range of schedules. From shallow water aerobics to arthritis classes to even Aqua Zumba, there is something for everyone.  Check out the website for more information!