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21 February 2022

By Susan Hickey

Strength training is a crucial part of anyone’s exercise regimen.  However, the number of different machines can be overwhelming to the beginner and experienced alike.  The YMCA has an amazing free program available to its members, called ActivTrax.  This program takes the guesswork out of your workout schedule.  By plugging in a few numbers and identifying personal goals, the program develops an individualized workout plan that meets your needs.

Setting up one’s ActivTrax program is simple.  At Coffman, where I created mine, I first scheduled an appointment at the front desk.  I met with a personal trainer who interviewed me about my intended workout frequency, fitness goals, and demographic information.  The trainer then had me “max out” my reps on about five particular machines to determine my starting weights.  It lasted approximately 30 minutes, with plenty of time available for questions.

There are many benefits to this FREE program, including the following:

  • Each day that you log in, the workout is prepared for you, including which machines, amount of weight, and number of reps.  Each machine has an assigned number that corresponds to the machine listed on your workout.  This helps ensure you are on the correct machine. 
  • The workout is completely modifiable – you can delete or add exercises, or change the weights or reps that are listed. 
  • There is an app you can download to your phone, so you can directly enter your reps as you complete them.  The app also includes a “help” video for each exercise, so you can access the video to see how the move should be done.  If you don’t have the app, a trainer is always available in the fitness center to answer your questions.
  • Tracking cardio exercise in the app is optional.  All completed workouts are entered onto a calendar so that you can see your history. 
  • The app automatically creates workouts based on your history - it alternates the focus on different body parts, eliminating guesswork.
  • The program permits you to delete particular machines or techniques from your workout.  For instance, I dislike prone hamstring curls – so I “unchecked” that box and it will never show up on my plan.
  • The app allows you to change the YMCA location where you are training – and adjusts the current workout according to the location you are visiting.   Since different locations’ machines may vary, or may be numbered differently, this is a very useful feature.

Strength training can be overwhelming at first, but the ActivTrax app simplifies things by dictating your workout.  As with any other new exercise, talk to your doctor to make sure it’s safe to start a new strength training program.  Once you have obtained medical clearance, take advantage of yet another program that the YMCA offers to help build a strong body.  Make your appointment with a fitness counselor today!